Ayodhya Art Festival
(12-14 october 2018)
Ayodhya Art Festival 2018 was organized in kind support of Mr Rishikesh Upadhyay, Mayor –
Ayodhya from 12th to 14th October 2018 in the holy city of Ayodhya. It was an amalgamation of
youth energy and artistic skills, which has changed the look and feel of the city in 3 days.
The Inspiration
The grand Ayodhya Art Festival (#AyodhyaArtFest) was curates with a motivation to decorate the
100 walls of Ayodhya with the murals of Lord Ram and his life story starting from Bal Kand to
Sundar Kand.
Instead of getting the walls painted in regular form, we realized the value of painting these
with the history of the city and that too by involving the youth of the country. In this way,
the youth got a chance to get connected with the tradition of Ayodhya city and this in turn
has helped the city in getting a meaningful renovation.